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Real events, but not the real names of most people mentioned.

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. (John 13:35 NLT)
March 2024

This is not a kid story, it is a testimony to God's power and faithfulness, including a couple of prayer requests and challenges to all of us today.

The last week of February, Cheryl and I had reason to be in Clarkston, Georgia for several days.

"S", who we had met during Covid when she was in 8th grade (not our usual grades1-5), wanted to help us prepare food for food deliveries. We had her to our home a number of times. During one of several visits she asked me, "Have you and Ms. Cheryl ever considered being foster parents?" I answered, "no", and as far as we were concerned that was the end of it. She never mentioned it again.

On another occasion, we talked about church and salvation. "S" chose to receive Jesus. She spent a bit more time with us and we tried to disciple her, but shortly after she moved to Pennsylvania and later to Ohio. We tried to keep in touch via Messenger. When she moved near Reynoldsburg, OH (and we were now in PA) she wanted us to visit, but our destination in Ohio was too far from where she was.

Now 17, she is back in Clarkston with her dad and his brother in the very same apartment they had always occupied.

We met her again this past Feb. 27: (1) She told us that her question regarding foster parents was because she was not getting along at home and wanted to move in with us. We had no idea!  (2) She dropped out of school and moved away from her family and in with a friend who became abusive. However, she never forgot our love or God's love for her and that we had taught her that God was always with her. (3) Her sister and husband drove to Ohio and brought her back to Clarkston. (4) She is seeking to get her GED and we are seeking a young woman to disciple her.

You can deduce her prayer needs.

Last October we were able to visit another younger girl, "M", who had received the Lord shortly before we moved to PA. In the interim she seemed to be growing in the Lord. However, more recently we were told that she had suddenly moved and that no one knew where. Evidently, "M", too, made some bad choices and is now in another state. We are seeking information to be able to communicate with her.

The needs are great. Continued prayer is so necessary. Discipleship after salvation is so essential. And yet God, forever knowing all that would be both in the lives of these girls (and many other kids with whom we worked, and are currently working with) and in our lives, saw fit to bring us together. What will He ultimately accomplish in their lives and the lives of those among whom we are currently working?

Through you, in whose lives are you allowing God to work?

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